Is your mattress making you ill?

Is your mattress making you ill?

A MUST READ before you buy any new mattress.

Ubee was originally born out of frustration, I know that sounds strange to most of you but as a sciatic nerve sufferer for over 20 years, I wanted a mattress that would give me a good night sleep so I went to a friends bed store and after trying out all the mattresses I decided to choose this all singing and dancing 13 inch memory foam mattress with its 10 year guarantee and £750 price tag (My friend kindly sold it to me for £550). 

I finally got my mattress home, bedtime came and I laid on my lovely comfortable mattress and fell asleep only to be woken up 2hrs later in a pool of sweat. Two initial thoughts raced through my mind:

1. What caused the sweat reaction?

2. What was my options now? 

The answer to question 2 was quite simple I either buy a new mattress or continue to suffer and use the one I had, the first question however had 2 possibilities, The first you can find the answer to that question by clicking this link but more worrying was the second possible reason and that had to do with the chemicals used in mattresses, if your chemical sensitive or have toxin overload then I suggest you click here so after intense research UBee was born and we wanted to introduce our quality mattress with added benefit of natural and organic (chemical free) options with the added benefit of the 7 day TradeBack on any price mattress that ensures you will never buy the wrong mattress guaranteed. 

We have built a team with over 80 years experience in the manufacturing and furniture retail industry and have just launched our own brand of stain free fabric sofas dubbed “The worlds easiest to clean sofas” made from the finest material we even offer a bespoke service. And when we say STAIN FREE we mean stain free imagine having a cream fabric sofa without having to walk on eggs shells when you have friends and family around. 

We have tested all sorts of stains from permanent marker pen to inground coffee and even left it 24 hours and it still all came out with just water and kitchen towel. 

Our aim is to continue to find innovative idea’s that best serves you.